Monday, August 30, 2010


One hot warm day leaves were falling from lots and lots of trees. John, Apple and I were flying through the sky looking for food for our families. My name is Robin and I am a bird. I am the boss of the nest cause my mum and dad are too old to catch food for our family. John and Apple are my brothers and they are my best friends.
One day we went looking for fish at sea. As we were looking my brother saw an island with lots and lots of fish that were washed up on to the shore.
“Hey lets land on that island” my brother said.
As we landed there were funny animals that we hadn't seen before. There was an animal called a two head snake and a funny looking lion standing next to a big pile of fish.
“Can we have some fish?” I asked. “
No! you can`t have our Nemo” replied the lion.
“What is a Nemo?”
“It is that thing over there”
“That’s not a Nemo. That`s a fish and it lives in the sea. Come on, this is a waste of time”.
My brother started to flap his wings and he blasted off back the way he came.As we were flying back we saw some flying fish. My brothers got five fish each and I got two flying fish.
“Come on lets go home now.”
“Mum,Dad we are home and we have got dinner with us. We’ve got twelve fish”.
“Thank you boys for the food. You are the best son ever”
“Thank you”

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