Thursday, August 26, 2010

My Freedom

One hot roasting day I was gliding through the sky with my friends Juli and Julian.The sun was high up in the blue sky and the white puffy clouds were floating by like some butterflies.

I am a black and white bird with a yellow beak and yellow claws. My friends Juli and Julian are green and yellow birds with a tiny bit of blue. I am a bird that adores humans(most of the time) but my friends are so afraid of them.

As I was gliding across the sparkly ocean, I didn’t see this big rock right in front of my eyes.I flew into the huge rock and crash landed onto the shore.

“DAD! DAD! Look its a bird” a little girl yelled to her parents.

The little girl's dad ran to get me and he held me in his hands.The little girls name was Jaime. Jaime asked her dad if they could keep me as a pet. Jaime’s dad announced to his family that they could keep the me but just until they fixed my wing.

When Jaime’s dad announced that, i tried to fly away from there. Luckily they took me to Michael, a veterinarian at Summer Shore clinic.

“Squawk! squawk!” I tried to scream out to Juli and Julian. When Michael told Jaime he was going to name me Seqoyah I thought in my head“Maybe they're not so bad after all."

After a couple of months Jaime’s and her family looked after me so good, they just had to let me go to the wild. I didn’t want to go back to the wild but I had to. Jaime was crying because she didn’t want me to go.By the time Jaime’s dad drove back to Summer Shore he let me free.

After 3 years I came back to that very house and saw Jaime. She was so excited to see me.Everybody came to scratch me on my little chest.I always come to visit them from time to time and the best thing about it all is now I’m free.


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