Monday, August 30, 2010

The Maghawk

Wow! Polly come look at this beach its sand is as golden as my one dollar penny."
As my mum and dad were unpacking our stuff into our new house my brother Bob ordered Polly my sister and I to come and look at our new surroundings.
“Hey look at that bird! It has pitch black feathers covered by a bright white patch.
It has a orange beak and it’s dark brown."
“Mumm!! Come! have you ever seen this bird before?”
“NO I have never seen a bird like that before" my mum replied.
A few minutes later I had an idea “ahahah I know. Lets look up the bird on the internet.What keywords should I type in?"
“I know” said Bob “Type in pictures and names of birds."
Lots of pictures of different birds came on screen. "Look, there's the bird we saw! It's called a Maghawk. It says it’s one of the rarest birds in the whole entire world. It says here there are only 50 more of these birds left" I said.
See you tommorow Maghawk.
When I woke up I saw a man holding a brown leather bag and I heard a bird crying. “Hey, do you have my bird?" I yelled at the man as I ran towards him. As I was catching up to him my brother pulled up in front of the man and stole his bag
“Nice one” I sai

When Bob and I arrived back home we said      “your time's up Maghawk. I think we will have to let you go. Maghawk be free! I will miss you because you were the first and only bird I ever had. You could come back some day with your Maghawk family and visit us."

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