Thursday, August 26, 2010

The Birds Big Breakfast.

I am a bird with black beady eyes and black and white wings. I took off from my nest and hovered on top of the sparkling blue sea with my friend Charlie.
"John wait up" Charlie shouted. "Where are you going?"
"Looking for breakfast" I replied back.
"FISH ! FISH!!" we both yelled.
We flapped our feathery wings to the sailor and snatched some fish out of his fishing boat. Then we glided through the puffy white clouds.

Grrrr I better feed you stomach with some more fish or you will moan again.
Suddenly I found what I've been waiting for.... Mussels.!!!
I burst with excitement and picked the mussels up and flew up into the blue sky and dropped the mussel on to the hard rough rocks below and gobbled it up.

"Ahhh" I yawned and flew back to my warm nest. This is a great life.

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