Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Old Car

“What’s up? You're listening to winning radio, where you answer a question and you win a prize. Today my question for you is what is the capital city of New-Zealand? If you know the answer call me on the number 0800 22 220 and you could win a brand new car."

“Din din din din din” I pressed so hard on the phone.
“Hello my name is Kali and I know the answer” I said.
“What is it?“ the radio man replied.
”It’s Wellington.”
“Oh yes that is correct! if you want your new car come and pick it up from Jollen Place”.

I quickly hopped out of my chair and ran over to mum.
“Mum, mum could you take Aunty Lisa with you to pick up my brand new car from Jollen Place? I really want to give it as a present for Dad’s birthday please."

My mum is called Tania she likes to wear purple all the time and different glasses even when it is raining or sunny. Mum quickly ran out to pick my Aunty Lisa and also the brand new car that I had won.

I waited and waited and waited. Suddenly I heard a really loud beep that made me jump and scream. I quickly sped outside and my eyes were staring at a really old car.

The windows were broken and had fallen to the ground.
I quietly thought to myself that I will never ever listen to competitions on radio again.

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