Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Car on the Side of the Road

One hot blazing afternoon I was walking across a path in Texas enjoying the hot sparkling sun when something caught my eye. A car not an ordinary car, it was a classic old rusty smashed up car that was sitting on the side of the road.I was wondering why it was there and not in the rubbish. So I sprinted home to ask my Nana.

‘’Nana, Nana, Nana‘’ I yelled.
 “Yes” Nana replied.
‘‘Why is that classic rusty smashed up car over there on the side of the foot path?’’
“Because it was your great great grandpa’s car. Actually I’ll tell you a little story about that classic car and your grandpa."
It was a stormy rainy day he was a Demolition Derby Driver. As he was crashing into other drivers his wheels skidded on a puddle and it made him drive straight into a wall where the crowd were sitting. When he smashed into the wall his brain was damaged badly. He was rushed to the hospital but he didn’t make it because his brain was too badly damaged.
"Is the car there because it has memories?" I asked. 
“Yes” Nana spoke quietly.
I sure wish I had met my grandpa. I would like to be a Demolition Derby driver just like him when I get older.

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