Thursday, September 16, 2010

The New Invention!

"Mother, Mother, look at the new invention , a carry around cellphone by Linken Budd " I gasped.
It was muggy , sweltering day , I was shopping with my mother at the mall, I was allowed anything I wanted .
" I know mother , I want a cell phone, a new shiny cell phone"! I nagged.
" How much would it be" My mother asked.
" Only $150.00"! I replied.
"mOnly, only thats a lot of money, it can pay a trip for the whole family to Rainbows End, good try but I'm sorry not today" Mum answered.
" Fine then" I sighed.
" You can get a chocolate bar " My mother suggested.
"OK"! I complained.
As my mother and I were driving back home in our Red Honda car, i munched on my delicious mouth watering chocolate. It was ok but I still wanted a phone.
The next day I strolled on the crackled foot path to school. As I arrived to school Jessica my enemy ran up to me and proclaimed
" I bought a cell phone, do you have one."
My face scrunched up. My cheeks turned rosey red, I felt embarassed . I was surrounded with 12 year olds who all had phones except
Through out class time  and lunch time , I felt like a  lonely , stupid , loser , it wasn't fair . I sat all alone
in the corner of our class , there was an eer it was very silent. My friend was absent which made it even lonlier.
As I was  strolling slowly home tears drizzled down my face, I felt like I needed a hug.
as I opened the back door of our house my mother raced and handed me a box. I tore the small yellow wrapped box  it was a pretty wolly scarf. It was better than a phone well sort of but I still appreciated it. I returned  to school feeling brave and strong, my friend returned to school from her absence . I felt strong and not lonely any more.
Now I realise I don't need a phone.

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