Thursday, September 16, 2010

The New Invention!

"Mother, Mother, look at the new invention , a carry around cellphone by Linken Budd " I gasped.
It was muggy , sweltering day , I was shopping with my mother at the mall, I was allowed anything I wanted .
" I know mother , I want a cell phone, a new shiny cell phone"! I nagged.
" How much would it be" My mother asked.
" Only $150.00"! I replied.
"mOnly, only thats a lot of money, it can pay a trip for the whole family to Rainbows End, good try but I'm sorry not today" Mum answered.
" Fine then" I sighed.
" You can get a chocolate bar " My mother suggested.
"OK"! I complained.
As my mother and I were driving back home in our Red Honda car, i munched on my delicious mouth watering chocolate. It was ok but I still wanted a phone.
The next day I strolled on the crackled foot path to school. As I arrived to school Jessica my enemy ran up to me and proclaimed
" I bought a cell phone, do you have one."
My face scrunched up. My cheeks turned rosey red, I felt embarassed . I was surrounded with 12 year olds who all had phones except
Through out class time  and lunch time , I felt like a  lonely , stupid , loser , it wasn't fair . I sat all alone
in the corner of our class , there was an eer it was very silent. My friend was absent which made it even lonlier.
As I was  strolling slowly home tears drizzled down my face, I felt like I needed a hug.
as I opened the back door of our house my mother raced and handed me a box. I tore the small yellow wrapped box  it was a pretty wolly scarf. It was better than a phone well sort of but I still appreciated it. I returned  to school feeling brave and strong, my friend returned to school from her absence . I felt strong and not lonely any more.
Now I realise I don't need a phone.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Earthquakes destroy cities. 
It demolishes precious things.
People scream so loud and start to panic.
The loud rumbling sounds frighten children.
Houses collapse. 
Roads are cracked.
Path ways have moved,
Train tracks have buckled.
The earthquake is powerful.
Now lets turn the demolished citY into another great community.

Christchurch Quake.

Powerful earthquake,
Demolished homes,
People screaming in terror,
Their houses are unsafe and scary,
Frightening  after shocks,
Fearful,war zone and inescapable,
Everywhere it is dangerous,
All over the news,
Wow I am so sorry for you.
by Seqoyah Kelly

Shocking News.

Hello!!Hello!! it is 1:00pm and I am going to be your reporter for todays news.I have the latest news for you.Now we are going to talk about the earthquake in Christchurch on the 4th of September(Saturday)there was an 7.1 earthquake in chrstchurch.Within seconds  the ground was cracking rumbling, shaking and plates were falling.
But what time did it start?Now we are just going to have a song.
Hello!!Hello!! I am back and back with the answer too. The time it started was 4:36 am.  A Canterbury
resident could hardly believe they had got though the countries most damaging earthquake since 1931.
A man in his 50’s was in a serious condition after being hit by a big chimney.The earthquake centered 40km west of Christchurcn.Since the earthquake happened they have been having after shock’s.
When you look at the ground there is huge puddles from the water pipes breaking underground .
But not everything came a part and broke.
People from further down the island and i mean Dunedin and thats pretty far away from christchurch also felt the ground shake.
Oh look at that time it is 3:00pm and if you think about that I was with you for 2 hour’s and that is a kind of a long time but for me the time has gone pretty fast. That was the  3 o'clock news  Thats all from reporter Caprice!!

Earthquake! Earthquake!
 Shaking, buckled , cracked floors ,
Panicking , devastated, shocked people,
Screaming at the top of their lungs.
Buildings demolished and rubbish falling on the road,
Earth quakes cause a lot of damage,
Terrifying earthquakes bring devastation,
Buildings broken and people stunned,
Oh what a surprise!
That’s what a earth quake is,
A big rumble with a bang that makes everything shake and break,
Lets just hope that Christchurch’s earth quake will heal and they will
be able to build new memories.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Damaged buildings.
Kids  terrified.  
People panicking
Families screaming.
The ground shaking like lions.
Kids getting hurt.
Houses getting demolished.
Train tracks  damaged.
Memories fading.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The First Ford in the World

“Could I go to Grandpa Tim’s farm?” I asked dad.
He agreed.
We hopped in our old truck and drove to Grandpa Tim’s farm. As we parked by the footpath, we saw a rusty, old fashioned, broken Ford.
As I hopped out of the car I ran to Grandpa Tim and hugged him.
As dad drove away, I asked Grandpa Tim “what is that old Ford doing outside on your lawn?”
Grandpa Tim is an old, wrinkly man with a croaky voice.
Grandpa Tim answered the question and said ‘’back in the old days I was a rally car driver and the best one in the world. I won the championship and I won a new Ford as a prize.This Ford was the first Ford car in the world. When I won it I was very excited."
Years had past since then and the old Ford was too rusty to drive. I walked outside and stared at the Ford. Then I had an idea.
I asked Grandpa “Do you still have the keys for the Ford?”
He did.
He gave them to me and I ambled outside. l hopped inside the old Ford and tried to turn it on but it wouldn’t start.Then vroooommm I drove off the farm and drove to the engineers shop. The engineers pimped the Ford. I hopped inside the car and drove it back to the farm. I covered it with sheets and yelled ‘’Grandpa come outside!’’
Grandpa Tim walked outside and then I lifted up the sheets and shouted "surprise!"
Grandpa gasped with excitement. Then Grandpa was so surprised, he hopped inside and shouted "I feel young again."
Grandpa said “thank you” to me.
He drove off down the road with the sun shining on the Ford.

The Old Car

“What’s up? You're listening to winning radio, where you answer a question and you win a prize. Today my question for you is what is the capital city of New-Zealand? If you know the answer call me on the number 0800 22 220 and you could win a brand new car."

“Din din din din din” I pressed so hard on the phone.
“Hello my name is Kali and I know the answer” I said.
“What is it?“ the radio man replied.
”It’s Wellington.”
“Oh yes that is correct! if you want your new car come and pick it up from Jollen Place”.

I quickly hopped out of my chair and ran over to mum.
“Mum, mum could you take Aunty Lisa with you to pick up my brand new car from Jollen Place? I really want to give it as a present for Dad’s birthday please."

My mum is called Tania she likes to wear purple all the time and different glasses even when it is raining or sunny. Mum quickly ran out to pick my Aunty Lisa and also the brand new car that I had won.

I waited and waited and waited. Suddenly I heard a really loud beep that made me jump and scream. I quickly sped outside and my eyes were staring at a really old car.

The windows were broken and had fallen to the ground.
I quietly thought to myself that I will never ever listen to competitions on radio again.

The Car on the Side of the Road

One hot blazing afternoon I was walking across a path in Texas enjoying the hot sparkling sun when something caught my eye. A car not an ordinary car, it was a classic old rusty smashed up car that was sitting on the side of the road.I was wondering why it was there and not in the rubbish. So I sprinted home to ask my Nana.

‘’Nana, Nana, Nana‘’ I yelled.
 “Yes” Nana replied.
‘‘Why is that classic rusty smashed up car over there on the side of the foot path?’’
“Because it was your great great grandpa’s car. Actually I’ll tell you a little story about that classic car and your grandpa."
It was a stormy rainy day he was a Demolition Derby Driver. As he was crashing into other drivers his wheels skidded on a puddle and it made him drive straight into a wall where the crowd were sitting. When he smashed into the wall his brain was damaged badly. He was rushed to the hospital but he didn’t make it because his brain was too badly damaged.
"Is the car there because it has memories?" I asked. 
“Yes” Nana spoke quietly.
I sure wish I had met my grandpa. I would like to be a Demolition Derby driver just like him when I get older.

The Best Gift

“Hi Grandpa what are you doing?” I spoke in a small voice.
‘Nothing much. just thinking about the old days when I use to do derby racing" my grandpa replied.
“I was the champion of Tennessee, when I won I was given $10,000. That's when I bought Jimbay Farm. Heres a photo of what my car looked like”
“WOW” I smiled. “Do you still have the car?’ I asked.
“Nope it got stolen" my Grandpa exclaimed.
“Well I’m going outside to explore the farm.” I said.
When I was walking through the green huge bushes my eyes caught something
“Wow what's that? I said.
It was a old car with broken windows, smashed lights with rusty and dusty seats.
“I wonder what it would look like when its been pimped up? i said.
It would probably be mean and fantastic. As I was thinking about what we should do an idea popped into my head. I know I should call my friend Jack and his brother Finau because they are very good car designers.
“Hey whats up Finau and Jack?” I said.
“Nothing really” they replied.
“I have a favour to ask you. Could you help me pimp this old car so my Grandpa could beat the world champion?”
When the car was finished I said "you guys did a great job!" 
It had shiny sliver wheels with dark purple colours covering the whole car with orange red yellow flames.
“Hey grandpa come here, I have a surprise for you” I said.
When Grandpa saw the car he said "thank you. I will never forget this gift .”
When my Grandpa tried the car he said it was awesome.
“I will try and win the big race again and be the champion but the best champ is you” my Grandpa spoke with a big grin on his face.